"You Always Amaze Me"

This morning I woke up to my little man calling my name, "mom, mom, mom" and I went into his room. He had thrown his passy on the ground, which is not abnormal, and I picked it up and gave it back to him. I sat in the rocking chair near his bed while he snuggled with his blankies and we chit chatted a little through the semi-walls of his crib. After about 10 minutes Rock wanted out, so I swooped him up and went to the computer to turn on some tunes before I made breakfast.

This is pretty typical for us...our morning routine I would say. Not that it's much of a routine, but it's something. As I sat down and opened iTunes Rock started running around our place. He quickly found a pair of my black high tops left on the floor from the night before and put them on yelling, "Mom! Shoes, shoes, shoes". I proceeded to decide on some Jon Foreman music for the morning. I promptly picked out his song "Your Love is Strong" because it's easily one of my favorite songs...ever.

So it started playing and the first line of the song is, "Heavenly Father, You always amaze me." I was listening to the words as I watched Rock wearing my much-too-big high tops, beating on his chest with the music. And I quickly remembered the first time I had ever heard this song.

I was about 3 months pregnant and Phil and I were driving up to Ohio for Christmas. We left for Ohio straight from work and we both happened to work for the same place. Right before our shifts ended that night our district manager asked us to come into the manager's office for a quick meeting before we left. We both felt weird about it, but weren't sure what was up. After we stepped in we were informed that after December they wouldn't have hours to keep me in my position at all until further notice and Phil's hours would to cut to 10 per week. We were shocked and felt so scared within a moment.

We drove up to Ohio not really knowing what to say to each other. I was pregnant, we didn't have medical insurance, and now our combined income was reduced to 10 hours a week. We were barely making it before this happened...now what???

Phil had recently bought the Jon Foreman song and from a burned cd on our dark drive we heard the words for the first time. And we cried...a lot. We remembered who God was and it the midst of uncertainty we had never felt before, we chose to believe things would be ok.

And this morning as I watch little Rocky bounce around the living room the first line of the song never felt more true. "Heavenly Father, You always amaze me." The in between from that completely uncertain drive to this very normal morning has been nothing less than amazing. God's faithfulness is real...so, so real.


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