My Bro

I have 4 to write about one of them seemed like it may not be the best idea. I also have 4 sisters and I could easily write a blog post about each precious sibling I have. They are so unique and important in their own way. They are all funny and all note worthy. But today I'm writing about my brother Brady. He's been on my thoughts an incredible amount these days and I wanted to introduce him to the small piece of world that reads my blog.

I just got to spend a couple weeks with my fam and Brady was in and out at lightning speed most of the time I was there. I literally had to lasso him to get him to go get a beer with me :) The very last night I was in Arizona we hopped in his beater truck and went to a local brewery. Side note...if you go to Arizona, Four Peaks Brewery is a place to stop by. Their porch is to die for and Phil and I visited as frequently as possible when we lived there.

So...I snagged a couple hours with my 21 year old brother and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love his heart. He's figuring out life and he's making mistakes and he's discovering his love for v-neck t-shirts and I couldn't be happier. His heart beats to play music and hearing him play piano around the house made me forget about everything. Rock wanted to be with him as much as possible because he has a baby magnet built in to his body. Babies love to be with Brady and it's the sweetest thing...mostly because Brady wants to be with them just as much.

My mom reminded me that when Brady was a little guy, probably 5 or 6 years old, we would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up and his automatic, enthusiastic response was that he wanted to be a DAD!!!!! Kill me now.

Brady has a tender, honest heart and everything in me wants to see him succeed. I want to see him take risks and go on adventures and be full. I really want the best for him.

So...Brady, I'm proud of you and thankful for you. Life is absolutely nuts so keep making art and keep loving others. I need you!


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