You've got a friend in me...

You've got a friend in me,
You've got a friend in me,
When the road looks rough ahead
And your miles and miles from your nice warm bed
Just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me

This is one of Rock's favorite songs at the moment. In his attempts to sing along he mumbles until the word "me" comes up, the only word he sings that sounds like an actual word, and he points both of his little thumbs to his chest. I'm excited for Rock to experience true friendship as he grows...whether it be from a toy cowboy that sticks around his entire life or hopefully from a handful of awesome boys his age too!

Friendship has really come through for me. Maybe that's an odd statement, but it's only been in the past 5 years that I've known what true friendship means. Moving around and around as a kid made it incredibly difficult for me to invest in friendships. They came and they went...well, actually we were the ones that came and went. I didn't realize it, but this pattern of meeting people and saying goodbye soon after left me with inadequate friendship skills. I didn't want to get too close and that's a pretty obvious trait to identify in someone. The give and take in a relationship was difficult to grasp, which left me feeling very unknown.

But in the past 5 years the friendship flower in my heart and soul has bloomed. I'm honestly shocked sometimes at the depth of love and support I've received from beautiful friends. My first real friend outside of family let me cry and be angry at life circumstances. She was brutally honest with me about her dark places and she was quick to pray about anything. She is hilarious and quiet and she brought/brings out my quirkiness that I easily hide from others. She held me up during a time in my life when I was having trouble standing on my own. She taught me how to be open and what it looks like to be a deep friend.

And once our move to Nashville took place, without family in sight, God allowed me to believe friends could fill a part of the "family" void. People have loved me deeply...enough to tell me when I'm out of line or selfish. The same people who have come through for me and our little family. I was reminded last night about the power of friendships in my life. Everyone has a story...a beautiful story full of pain and longing. My story is very similar and right when I was about to let myself sink too far into the yuck in myself, a good friend told me the truth. She listened to the words I was saying and she opened my eyes a little bit more to the lies I was letting myself believe.

Friendship is worth the plunge. God knew what He was doing when he built a need for friendship in our souls and I'm grateful for the treasured ladies I have surrounding my life.

Here's to you...friends who are changing me! I love you guys.


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