Can I Borrow Your Horse??

I was driving around Mesa, Arizona today...the straight-away roads and bright HUGE sky in front of me. I was running errands in my sister's car and she just happened to have Taylor Swift's new cd in her car. Well, I ended up turning up the volume...LOUD and sang the words that are easy to catch on to...LOUDLY. It was nice. And I decided in these moments I need a cowboy hat, boots, and a horse. I want to be a cowgirl (did I just say that???)

I have a feeling there are some misconceptions that this cowgirl in me is coming out because of my time living in Nashville. The truth is, Arizona introduced me to country music, riding horses, and wearing wranglers long ago. When I was 17 my sister and I took a 6 month trail riding class. Most days it was blazing hot and the jeans I was required to wear went way over my belly button...the definition of horrid. The first day of class we were partnered with a horse that would be "our" horse for the entire 6 months. I was introduced to Dezi...a two year old horse with one deep brown eye and a clear blue one. She was gorgeous. After we said our "hellos" the trainer explained to me that she wasn't quite trained yet....ummmm ok??? I happened to know these trainers and they thought out of anyone in the class I would be able to handle Dezi. Nice to meet you...wah, wah, wah.

Class after class Dezi would fight me, buck me...I was riding a wild toddler for goodness sake. She hated putting her bit in and on one glorious occasion as I reached around her neck to put the bit in her mouth, she lifted me off the ground and took off. I was dangling from her neck screaming my head off. A trainer came to my rescue, but not until I had a deep purple bruise under my arm stretching from my elbow to my arm pit. After weeks of wondering what in the world I was doing Dezi decided to like me and that made all the difference. We rode, we ran, we laughed, we cried...just kidding. In all honesty riding horses for a half of a year has left me craving a run through the woods or through an open field. There is something so freeing about moving incredibly fast in something other than a car. And as I drove down the street listening to music with a heart all I wanted to do was ride a horse.

In the same breath I thought this post would be highly appropriate with the CMA awards scheduled to air tomorrow. I don't think I have EVER been excited to watch a country music awards show, but being in Nashville has in its own way rubbed off on me. I am invested. I don't absolutely love country music, but at this point it is a part of my life. My husband works for a country band and many of my friends are closely invested. I'm excited to be in Arizona where I truly did fall in love with Keith Urban's Somebody Like You, to watch as Nashville represents.



  1. Funny, I missed this Blog but read it today...LOL, yes, running on a horse it a wonderful feeling!!! I don't think I realized you were a "horse woman" day again, I will have another horse..Grace loves them...and I am sure the Grandkids will too :-)


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